Freephone: 0800 2888 680

Point-to-Point Ethernet (P2P)

SIMPLE AS... A to B. Cost-effective, secure and reliable. High performance ethernet connectivity between locations.

Point-to-Point Ethernet (P2P) the overview

Internet Connections operates an important part of the general network infrastructure of the UK, with points of presence at key data centres throughout Manchester and London, offering 10GE level network performance. We work closely with data centres and customers alike to provide cost effective IP transit and inter-data-centre, point to point (P2P) solutions over our networks.

So, whether you simply need a remote backup location to satisfy your disaster recovery contingency plans, or you want to break out and offer services from multiple data centres throughout the UK, you'll find that our diverse choice of secure, reliable and well established ethernet circuits could be just what you're looking for.

what you can expect

Key Features

  • Fixed capacity high bandwidth connection
  • Fast installation by skilled technicians
  • 24/7 monitoring, fault resolution and technical support
  • 99.95% money back SLA
  • Flexible range of bandwidths and billing options

Strategic PoPs

  • Telecity Reynolds House, Manchester
  • Teledata Delta House, Manchester
  • Telecity Williams House, Manchester
  • The Server Hotel, Manchester
  • Telehouse North, London
  • Telecity Harbour Exchange 6/7, London

Get in touch

We're here to help your business flourish

We're here to help with point-to-point ethernet

Ready to talk? Whether you're coming to us armed with all the knowledge you need and just need to iron out the final details, or you'd like the lowdown on how our P2P service can help your connectivity, we're ready and waiting to help.

Telephone  0800 2888 680


Client testimonial

Our clients demand quality and Internet Connections deliver. Their in depth understanding of networks make them an essential partner for Teledata.

Pat France, Teledata UK

Telephone  0800 2888 680


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